Announcement 10/23/22
Hello Useless people!
This week we’ve got a few things happening and the impending release of the All For One app to look forward to! (No date yet, not financial advice, etc.)
First up is the vote on the Constitution.
Head on over to and cast your vote!
Check out the guides we’ve created on connecting to Commonwealth, creating new topics for proposals, and voting below. For now, it seems like Metamask is the best to use for voting. WalletConnect through TrustWallet is having some issues.
If you can’t vote through Commonwealth, try going direct to Snapshot at
This also brings us to another topic — participation.
We’ve seen a lot of people asking questions and/or proposing changes to the direction of the project. This is great! This project is all of ours. We at the DAO Committee aren’t here to make every decision or come up with all the ideas. As such, we are calling on you, the community, to start controlling the fate of the project.
If you’ve got an idea, let everyone know and formulate a proposal. Put it up for a vote. This is our project now, let’s push it forward.
Also, as Carc mentioned, the release of AFO is coming forthwith. Start getting hyped everyone! Once the app is released, the AFO team has marketing plans, but it’s also on us as the Useless community to get out there and let the world know about this amazing app.
Remember, the more people who are using AFO, the more Useless gets bought, and the easier it is to sell people Eclipse. So, once the app is out, go forth and shill!
Finally, there are some guides we’ve worked up to help you all navigate Commonwealth, create new proposals, and vote.
That’s all for this week! Keep on being Useless.
The Useless DAO Committee