DAO Report 01/29/23

Useless ($USE)
1 min readJan 29, 2023


Hello Useless people!

The big news we’ve got to share this week is we have agreed with BSC.news to host the Eclipse widget!

That’s a second website ready to launch the widget and working as a partner to secure listings. This is before the widget is even completed!

Just a reminder, there is a proposal up to confirm Reedone for the vacant DAO committee seat. Please let your feelings be known by voting here: https://snapshot.org/#/uselesscrypto.eth/proposal/0x1883b88e3ea30da88e0b7e3db40b59045073920568a33391d0b27896bf3dab8c

We’ve also been re-elected to serve a one-year term each. Thank you to everyone who voted! As we move into the new term, we’ve paid ourselves for the first six months of our work. All the transactions are viewable at the multisig wallet: https://bscscan.com/address/0x0aaA18c723B3e57df3988c4612d4CC7fAdD42a34

We’re still working on getting the rewards out to you all on Harmony. We’ve found a few airdrop options, but Lance is checking to see if he can help us out with it using the same tools he used to launch v3. We’ll let you know when there is any news.

That’s all for this week. Keep on being Useless everyone!

Useless DAO Committee



Useless ($USE)

Surprisingly Useful. Powering theAll For One (AFO) App, ft. the best Multi-Chain Wallet on the market, the first DeFi Marketing Tool ECLIPSE and more.