DAO Report 02/19/23

Useless ($USE)
1 min readFeb 19, 2023


Hello Useless people!

Another week has passed by. After the fury of last week’s hashing out a deal with Dappd, this week has been comparatively relaxed, so let’s get into it.

As of February 18th, Reedone is now officially official as a member of the DAO committee! Our fearless president Talden has been hard at work mocking up designs for the widget for mobile, desktop, and tablet.

Things are looking pretty nice, but Dappd’s design person is going to give them a bit of polish before the committee has the chance to give them final approval.

Now that we’ve worked as a DAO for a little while, we’ve realized some potential issues with the language of the Constitution, particularly in spelling out how the DAO is funded and deals with revenue. As such, we’ve altered some of the language to be more precise.

Click the link to be taken to Snapshot and vote for the changes: https://snapshot.org/#/uselesscrypto.eth/proposal/0x54774002bbd69389bfc6079b42d5f105cdb5a3024f11a4172e374b5054f3f631

Last, but certainly not least, Rebelyorkshire has summarized the week’s price action in an easy-to-read graphic:

That’s all for this week! Keep on being Useless everyone.

Useless DAO Committee



Useless ($USE)

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