DAO Report 04/03/2023

Useless ($USE)
2 min readApr 3, 2023


Hello everybody!

We’ve had another successful week of working on rebranding. This week two proposals passed.

The first was for the new name of the token and Eclipse won!

This means Useless ($USE) will be rebranded to Eclipse ($ECL).

The next step will be to work with a designer on the new logo and color scheme so it’s ready when we relaunch the token.

The other proposal was to determine the amount of taxation on the new contract. This one actually had a little peril as it wasn’t a 100% vote. While some community members were in favor of a 1% tax, in the end having no tax won out. This way the treasury will be funded by transactions occurring on the widget as well as the money we’ll gain from Eclipse listings and transactions on the All For One app.

That means Eclipse ($ECL) transactions (buying, selling, sending) will be tax-free (0%).

We have another proposal going live for some paid positions for community members (https://snapshot.org/#/uselesscrypto.eth/proposal/0xc9f88684666bcaa0e7f651445a7589766b10d1b73a8d3098ecc2d6f59f262fd0).

We’ll be hiring three total people, with one responsible for community building and two fulfilling the role of spokesperson. The community builder will work to grow and engage the community through Twitter, Reddit, and events. The spokesperson role will represent the community at AMAs and Twitter spaces, helping to get the word out about the token and our utilities.

Finally, we have Rebelyorkshire’s weekly price action graphic:

That’s all for this week!

Useless DAO Committee



Useless ($USE)

Surprisingly Useful. Powering theAll For One (AFO) App, ft. the best Multi-Chain Wallet on the market, the first DeFi Marketing Tool ECLIPSE and more.